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Webbased database that's automatically kept in synch with a remote database server

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WebDB v0.4.1

If the client can't get to the database, we bring the database to the client.

Get WebDB

WebDB, as it's name suggests, offers a database right there in the web browser. It can be used directly from CDN, through a regular download, or installed with NPM.


This is the easiest way to use WebDB:

<script src=""></script>


If you'd rather host the file on your own server, or use the debug version:


npm install webdb

Include WebDB on your page

WebDB supports the Universal Module Definition and can be used directly from a script tag, through an AMD script loader such as RequireJS, or through a CommonJS loader.

Script tag

Plain and simple:

<script src="//"></script>

AMD loader

define(['webdb'], function(WebDB){
    // WebDB is available here

If you want to load the script from CDN, configure like so:

    paths: {
        'webdb': '//',

CJS loader

var WebDB = require('webdb');
// WebDB is available here

Use WebDB

Once loaded, you can start using WebDB. In general, you will:

Create a new WebDB

var db = new WebDB('lucky-luke'); // use a unique ID to isolate from other scripts

Create a new schema

var weapons = db.createTable('weapons', {
    'id': {type: Number, pk:true}, 
    'version': {type:Number, version:true},
    'name': {type:String, length:32, unique:true}

var characters = db.createTable('characters', {
    'id': {type: Number, pk:true}, 
    'version': {type:Number, version:true},
    'firstName': {type:String, length:32, index:true},
    'lastName': {type:String, length:32, index:true},
    'description': String, // shortcut for {type:String}
    'weaponOfChoice': {type:Number, fk:'weapons'}},

If no table definition is given, the table gets two columns, id and version, both of type Number. Any other properties will not be indexed.

If a definition is given, any columns that are:

Populate/load data into the DB

TODO: currently bulk-loading data into the db is not yet supported. Just use db.[table].set([object, object]); statements.

    {id:1, name:'Revolver'},
    {id:2, name:'Shotgun'},
    {id:3, name:'Mini revolver'},
    {id:4, name:'Teeth'}

    {id:1,  firstName:'Lucky',    lastName:'Luke',   weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Shoots faster than his shadow'},
    {id:2,  firstName:'Joe',      lastName:'Dalton', weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Leader of the Dalton brothers gang'},
    {id:3,  firstName:'Jack',     lastName:'Dalton', weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Member of the Dalton brothers gang'},
    {id:4,  firstName:'William',  lastName:'Dalton', weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Member of the Dalton brothers gang'},
    {id:5,  firstName:'Averell',  lastName:'Dalton', weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Member of the Dalton brothers gang'},
    {id:6,  firstName:'Billy',    lastName:'The Kid',weaponOfChoice:1, description:'Youngest outlaw of the west'},
    {id:7,  firstName:'Buffalo',  lastName:'Bill',   weaponOfChoice:2, description:''},
    {id:8,  firstName:'Calamity', lastName:'Jane',   weaponOfChoice:2, description:''},
    {id:9,  firstName:'Pat',      lastName:'Poker',  weaponOfChoice:3, description:''},
    {id:10, firstName:'Jesse',    lastName:'James',  weaponOfChoice:1, description:''},
    {id:11, firstName:'Jolly',    lastName:'Jumper', weaponOfChoice:4, description:'The smartest horse in the world'},
    {id:12, firstName:'Rantaplan',lastName:'?',      weaponOfChoice:4, description:'The dumbest dog in the universe'},

Run queries against the DB

Get a character by ID:

var luckyLuke = characters.get(1);

The first parameter of get is a criteria object. If it's not an object and it's of a type compatible with the primary key column (eg number/Number, string/String, etc) then it will be interpreted as being a primary key.

You can also explicitly specify the primary key as search criteria:

var luckyLuke = characters.get({id:1});

In the same way, you can specify other columns:

var daltons = characters.get({lastName:'Dalton'});

When multiple columns are specified, they are interpreted as AND clauses:

var william = characters.get({firstName:'William', lastName:'Dalton'});

When no arguments are given, get will return all results:

var all = characters.get();

Try to avoid this as it may become slow on larger datasets.

Create/Read/Update/Delete data

We saw above how we can use set to write data and get to read it. All we need now is a way to remove data and a way to figure out how much data is there.

Get amount of records in table:

var characterCount = characters.length; // 12;

Note: Remember, WebDB only knows about records present on the client. If you need to know the total amount of records, including those only on the server, you need an Ajax call.

Get amount of records in resultset:

var daltons = characters.get({lastName:'Dalton'}); 
var daltonCount = daltons.length; // 4;

Delete a single record:

var rantaplan = characters.get({firstName:'Rantaplan'});

Delete multiple records:


Why WebDB?

Traditional web apps get everything they show from the server and send any user input to the server. As the user browses through the site, the same data is fetched over and over. And if the user goes offline, the app stops functioning.

What if we could download the server database to the client and perform queries against it there?

Smart subset

I know what you are thinking. There is way too much data to download the entire database right?

But think about this some more. Facebook has hundreds of milions of active users, who collectively post billions of status updates, photos, videos and chat messages each day. But most of that data is irrelevant to any single user. For most users, only those people they are friends with and the posts made by those friends, are relevant.

What if we could define a subset of our total server data, based on characteristics of the user (such as who their friends are) and actively keep a local copy of that subset synched right there on the user's machine? We would be able to offer offline functionality. We would potentially get extremely fast response times due to no network latency. Life would be better.

This is what WebDB tries to accomplish. It allows you to define a database schema on the client side (corresponding to the subset of data that is relevant to this client) and keep it synched with the server automagically.

It consists of a client-side component (that you are looking at right now) which can be used stand-alone or together with a server side component that connects it to the full-blown server database and handles synch messages.

Under construction

WebDB is currently under heavy development and not ready for production just yet. Use at your own risk!


These features are currently planned to be implemented in WebDB:


Copyright 2015 by Stijn de Witt. Some rights reserved.


Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0).